I am a Dual Licensed Real Estate Broker serving the Portland, Oregon, and Southwest Washington areas. Yes! There are no limitations here! Only dual-licensed agents may conduct business in either state. I am happy to serve my clients wherever their dreams may take them. It would be my pleasure to earn your business.

I recently migrated from California where I was born and raised, but felt at home returning to visit the land of my family and forefathers. My massive family is solidly grounded in the farmlands of the Pacific Northwest for three generations. Appreciating my connections, I wish to give back.

The Portland Metro Area has always held a special place in my heart. It is the best place to live, work, and play! Over the years, I made it a point to learn all I can about my community. I want to offer a complete service concept to my clients and those with whom I partner in my industry.

My circumstances exist for your benefit. My deeply ingrained roots stretch the length of the entire West Coast. If it suits your needs, my lifestyle ensures I can be of assistance no matter where you decide to settle along the West Coast. If you are planning a move to Northern, or Central California, let me personally place you in the warm and capable hands of my trusted connections.

My established relationships saturate Real Estate and other industries spanning the Bay Area, Central Coast, and Central Valley. I will be with you no matter where your home search journey begins and ends.

With each client’s unique transaction:

I dedicate myself to professional excellence, actively listening, clarifying, and serving each stakeholder’s needs. I commit to employing strategies which result in maximum advantages while negotiating the best deal possible on my client’s behalf. Managing critically complex transactions with ease, I collaboratively keep all parties informed through documented communications working toward a seamless close.

It’s NOT the home nor estate which holds meaning for me, it’s the people! I dedicate myself to this field because of the meaningful reward it brings to my clients and to me. It’s an honor to fulfill my roll. Homes provide a place where relationships are built and nurtured, a place where people come together to create precious and enduring memories.

The opportunity to coach first-time homebuyers is priceless! There is no better feeling than to inspire and empower someone to make their dreams happen! It’s a secure asset, the fruit of labor, a key to future prosperity, and a great beginning to accumulate wealth. I feel honored to share my gift as an educator. I get to make a living giving back, providing support and shaping the future of our Portland Metro community.

Buyer’s eyes sparkle! I enjoy the pleasure of handing clients THE keys to THEIR HOME they worked so hard to buy. The reward, client’s wide smile acknowledging I worked hard to attract a full price offer. In contrast, to present the most timely and appealing offer on my buyer’s behalf to secure the best deal. Stress-free transactions relieving clients from tracking deadlines, transition hitches, and countless loose ends are more rewarding than my paycheck.

Rarely the “right home” shows up on the first shopping trip. It can take years before the perfect property appears. Sometimes buyers or sellers need extra time to fully prepare to make their move. I am a low to no pressure agent. I never let my buyers, or sellers lose heart. No matter what it takes, my happy place is right there helping you as a buyer or seller through every peak and valley!

Dear Investors
With entrepreneurship running through generations of my family, I find pure satisfaction in finding a great deal for my clients! I love educating first-time investors; helping them find, analyze and secure winning investments is very rewarding to me. However, both novice and seasoned investors are relieved to learn my team of partners will guide them to valuable resources.

Going beyond what is anticipated, we help investors design a process to attract and screen tenants. Additionally, we provide assistance in locating quality professionals to help maintain their new income property on their own. I can also recommend quality management services at a reasonable price, so busy clients can focus on other priority matters.

Integrity is EVERYTHING! I MUST like who I see staring back at me in the mirror every day. It is the cornerstone of my business and what I expect from those whom I choose to serve, partner and associate.

My Specializations
Since childhood, family members and friends seem to consult with me through some of their roughest situations. Upon learning someone is in need, I find myself in their midst to help shoulder the pressure while they process and regain their bearings. Because I have personal experiences that make me quite knowledgeable, I specialize in helping families cope with changes in circumstance.

My services incorporate organization and downsizing in very overwhelming situations, I am skilled at negotiations to:

Secure beneficial terms and price for the best deal possible,
Accommodate home education, or work at home situations,
Assist with locating new homes available in local areas or in your next destination across the US, including retirement or with care providers,
Help while families cope with loss of a loved one, divorce, or any forced sale circumstances.
Persuasive, yet soothing, I guide, lead, and advocate for people while they make necessary adjustments. I possess valuable knowledge during difficult, or challenging situations. This is what I do best!

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CONTACT Anna Rawson